The current floor price of Street Machine is 0.41 ETH. The best offer price received in the last 24 hours is 0.391 ETH. This is according to data obtained from OpenSea, the leading NFT marketplace.

The NFT project has a total volume of 1,949, with 5% of them being listed. The NFTs are held by 2,699 owners, with 34% of them being unique.
Understanding Street Machine
Street Machine is a new Web3 anime brand and NFT collection developed by an award-winning video game artist named SpenzerG. The NFT project is based on a sprawling story arc that is told through the lens of an online graphic novel. The NFT project is inspired by cyberpunk, sci-fi, and anime pop culture.

Street Machine provides a different approach to story-based NFTs. Although there are many story-based NFT projects today, none of them has given a cohesive narrative that involves real plots and character development. Street Machine will introduce characters that live and die to overcome these challenges.
Street Machine intends to tell its story in 3 parts to blur the line between fiction and reality. The project invites people through fun surprises such as NFTs and gamification.
Street Machine will use NFTs to invite users to take part in the creation of the story. NFTs will also help to bring the characters to life. This means that Street Machine NFT holders will be allowed to provide their input and have their characters featured as mains or extras based on their level of support.
Although Street Machine starts with NFTs and initial novels, the goal of the project is to develop a universe. The characters are good for fan art, side stories, games, merch, physical collectibles, and more. Street Machine is focused on creating a great first product in its collection and graphic novel and then expanding the brand and product line later through other mediums.
The project is powered by the Ethereum blockchain. The final mint prices will be announced later, but they will range between 0.01ETH and 0.03ETH.
By joining the Street Machine NFT project, you will have a chance to acquire unique art. Street Machine has a total of 8,000 unique NFT characters. Each NFT is hand-drawn by Spenzer himself and they feature over 500 different traits. Street Machine NFTs are not simply JPEGs, but real characters in a universe in that you can participate in their development. The project allows you to choose your place and write your story. Thus, you have an opportunity to choose who you will be in the brave new world.
Street Machine NFT holders will be given priority or free access to mints, upgrades, and airdrops in the future. Holders of more Street Machine NFTs will also have access to better perks.