The Price of TANU NFTs has been rising since Friday. On Friday, TANU Project had a price average of about $15,000. It has continued to rise since then and on Tuesday morning, TANU NFTs had a price average of about $160,000. This means that the TANU NFT price has increased 10x in less than a week.

Currently, TANU NFTs have a floor price of 0.057 ETH and a total volume of 15 ETH. The project has a total of 104 owners, 21% being unique. The floor price of TANU Project NFTs has increased by 28% in the last 24 hours while the number of sales has increased by 218%. The volume of sales for the NFT project has increased by 283%.
What is TANU Project?
TANU is an abbreviation for Treasure Area Needs U. It is an NFT project that runs on the Polygon blockchain. TANU is named after a northern white rhinoceros named “Najin” and its daughter “Fatu,” the only two that are alive in the world. The gray rhino represents “a crisis in which a person knows what will happen, but refuses to exist, and eventually faces a crisis.”

The TANU NFT project is suitable for individuals preparing for Web3.0 as an opportunity, not a crisis. There are a total of 500 TANU NFTs owned by 77 people.
TANU NFT project operates on the Polygon blockchain. Polygon is one of the blockchain networks seen as the best alternative to the Ethereum blockchain. Although many NFTs run on the Ethereum blockchain, it comes with some challenges. The Ethereum network receives a high volume of transactions due to a high number of users. This means that transactions take a long time to complete when minting NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. As a result, users incur high gas fees charges when minting NFTs on the Polygon blockchain.
These challenges have left blockchain users looking for alternatives to Ethereum, and Polygon is one of them. Polygon provides its users with a faster transaction speed when minting NFTs on the platform than on Ethereum. They also incur lesser gas charges. As a result, the number of NFTs minted on the Polygon blockchain is expected to increase in the future.
You need a MetaMask wallet to mint a TANU NFT. The TANU Project app requires you to connect to the Polygon network the moment you visit their website.
If you have not installed MetaMask, you will be prompted to do so. The good thing with MetaMask is that you can install it as a browser extension. You can then use it to store the crypto coins to be used in paying for the NFT minting charges.