Autoglyphs has a price floor of 345 ETH and a 24-hour trading volume of 0.00 ETH. The price floor of Autoglyphs has risen by 0.00% in the last 24 hours.

The 7D average sale price for Autoglyphs is 235.00 ETH and the 7D highest sale price for the NFT is 235.00 ETH. The 7D lowest sale price is currently 235.00 ETH. The Autoglyphs NFT project is currently ranked #5 in terms of NFT Price Floor with a floor cap of 176,640 ETH. The project has a listed ratio of 0.09% and a maximum supply of 512.
What is Autoglyphs NFT?
Autoglyphs were the first “on-chain” generative art to be invented on the Ethereum blockchain. They provide a self-contained mechanism used to create and own artwork.
The Autoglyphs are experiments in generative art, each being unique and generated by code that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. The creation of the glyphs was done in 2019 by any person who was ready to donate a creation fee of 0.2 ETH to the charity organization. The person who created each glyph became its first owner.
Once 512 glyphs had been created, the generator shut down forever and the glyphs can only be found in the secondary market. The Autoglyphs was invented by Larva Labs, the founder of Meebits and CryptoPunks NFT projects. Autoglyphs was launched after CryptoPunks, making it the second NFT project of Larva Labs. Larva Labs is owned by two software developers from Canada namely Matt Hall and John Watkinson, and the two laid the foundation for Autoglyphs.
Note that since Larva Labs has already deployed the project on the blockchain, they are no longer responsible for controlling the code that generates the art. This is also the case with the code that determines the ownership of the glyphs.
Technical Details of Autoglyphs
The Autoglyphs NFT is just an algorithm that relies on the ERC-721 standard which is followed by many NFTs. The ERC-721 standard focuses on how digital assets running on the blockchain are owned. Autoglyphs NFT follows a different approach since the artwork generated by the algorithm is within the contract itself. This means that the artwork created by Autoglyphs is stored on the blockchain rather than in any off-chain storage.
Autoglyphs introduces an interesting experiment in the generative art industry by adding blockchain features. The Autoglyphs art pieces are unique and generated by code into the blockchain. During their launch, one was required to pay a mint fee of 0.2 ETH to, a charity organization. The organization used the money generated from this to fight against climate change and promote the generation of clean and renewable energy.